Brothers Before Others Partner/Member Honors the Fallen

Since 2016, Philadelphia Police Officer and forensic sketch artist, Jonny Castro, has been painting line of duty death portraits, honoring officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

On the first anniversary of the assassination of Philadelphia Police Officer Robert Wilson III, Jonny has been inspired to use his God-given talent to honor the fallen.

In March of 2015, PO Wilson, while on patrol, simply wanted to buy a gift for his son. As such, he stopped at a ‘Game Stop’ and unknowingly interrupted a robbery in progress. PO Wilson instinctively addressed the threat, drew fire and was killed.

The heroism displayed by PO Wilson that day inspired Jonny to set off on what has been a journey of selfless sacrifice. Since that first portrait, Jonny has painted hundreds of portraits of those who have sacrificed their lives, sworn officers/K9 and civilian, as demonstrated by the gorgeous portrait he did of Cleveland resident Robert Godwin, killed live on FB for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Jonny does these portraits on his own time and out of his own pocket.

Once he completes a portrait, Jonny then posts a picture of it on both his public FB page and his public Instagram page, describing how the hero in question lived his/her life. He then does his best to make sure that a canvas and prints reach both the family and the department of the fallen, a task which BBO assists him in accomplishing. Brothers Before Others is honored to have Jonny as both a member and a partner.

For more information on Jonny and his work, you can find his page under our “Partners” page, or by searching ‘Jonny Castro Art” on both FB and Instagram.

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