Few compliments mean as much as those that come from those who are respected. In reality, some would say, those are the only opinions that matter.
That’s exactly how the members of Brothers Before Others feel about the visit that Matt Lyda from Nine Line Apparel paid to the BBO tent at the 2018 FOP Tent City.
Nine Line Apparel is a veteran owned and operated company that is grounded in charity, patriotism and all things American. Their products are not only quality, but unique and geared towards rallying all American’s around the principles that have made this country what it is today.
BBO Trustee Rob O’Donnell, whose son serves in the US Navy, has maintained a close relationship with the staff of Nine Line. He suggested that Matt come by to see what BBO is all about and, as fate would have it, Matt arrived at just the right time.
As Rob and Matt arrived, they were walking into BBO and Jonny Castro making some very special presentations to a line of duty death family that had traveled to Washington DC for ‘Police Week’ in honor of their lost loved one. As is often the case with those outside of BBO, hearing what we do and actually witnessing first hand what we do are two totally different experiences.
Matt was so moved that he was inspired to film a short ‘review’ of BBO, which can be seen below.
BBO is thankful to Matt and the entire staff of Nine Line Apparel, not only for their gracious visit to the BBO tent, but also for their service to their country that continues well beyond their enlistment.
For more information on Nine Line Apparel and their products, please visit: